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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Drink pure water to benefit your health

What have you done for your health today?
In the busy society, you may not have enough time for your health care. However, you can maintenance your health by doing a simple way.  Do you know about the benefit of drinking pure water? Water is the source of all lives in the world. People use it for drinking and cleaning, but sometime they don’t know the real benefit of drinking water. I will show you how to drink pure water for your health below:

When you get up at the early morning, do not brush your teeth or have breakfast unless you drink 4-big-glass of waters, it is about 1.3 liters. In this process, it’s hard for you to do so in the first time, but you can drink one glass by one glass by taking time to do exercise in the gap of each interval. Moreover, you must urine frequently, but don’t worry about that, it is just first two or three weeks, and you also release stool immediately when you complete drinking three or four glasses; this, it is good for your digestion, and then you must feel normal. When you urine, it means that you have been cleaned inside your body. When you drink pure water, you should drink with doing exercise. Actually, It is not required you to drink all 4-glass in one time. To complete this process, it takes about 15 minutes. For me, when I get up I drink two glasses of pure water and then I do yoga or do exercise instead, and I drink two more glass of pure water as final.

The result of drinking pure water: your skin looks fresh because of the complete supply water run in your body to fill it. And you also have been cut off stress because of full day work, in addition; you have been cut off pain at the nape of the neck as well when you sit and work in front of computer in a whole day. Moreover, the water has power to heal some diseases as below:

  • Headache
  • Hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure)
  •  Anemia (shortage of red cell)
  • Polio or poliomyelitis (inability to act or function)
  • Dizzy
  • Neurotic
  •  Rheumatism
  • Obesity
  • Parkinson disease
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  •  Tuberculosis
  • Encephalitis
  • Bladder infection
  • Stomachache
  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Diabetes
  • Blurred vision
  • Uterus cancer
  • Leucorrhea
  • Breast cancer
  •  Pollinosis
  • Sore-throat

The duration of drinking pure water that makes diseases healed:

  •       Hypertenson: When you try to drink pure water through this method for one month, the hypertension can be cured.
  •             Constipation: duration of drinking pure water is only 2 days
  •            Night excessive urination: duration of drinking pure water is one week
  •           Rheumatism: duration of drinking pure water is 3 months